
A One-Stop, Future-Proof Approach to Compliance

Automated Value Chain Screening, Monitoring and Remediation

Detect and Manage Compliance Risk in Your Value Chain From a Single Source of Truth

  • Automatically screen your global value chains for compliance exposures across all regulations

  • Dynamically monitor your network for compliance as relationships and regulations evolve

  • Collaborate with your value chain network to remediate, document, and verify compliance

Forced Labor

  • 01

    Automatically screen shipments and products for connections to forced labor

  • 02

    Screen new suppliers for forced labor in their value chains

  • 03

    Communicate with regulators from a shared source of truth

Sanctions and Export Controls

  • 01

    Automatically screen shipments, products, and counterparties for sanctions and export controls in their multi-tier value chain networks

  • 02

    Flag restricted activities through opaque transshipment and beneficial ownership networks

  • 03

    Screens aliases, local languages, and ambiguous goods descriptions

Scope 3 Carbon Emissions

  • 01

    Value chain fidelity for Scope 3 greenhouse gas accounting and reporting

  • 02

    High fidelity point source and land use change carbon emissions overlaid on value chains

  • 03

    Monitoring, documentation, and reporting of ground-truth emissions through value chain network

Smart Global Trade Management

Smart Global Trade Management

Do More — With Less — to Navigate Global Trade Compliance

  • 01

    Manage trade compliance from an AI-powered, collaborative product value chain master data catalog

  • 02

    Accelerate HS classification, PGA compliance, and trusted trader certification with an AI co-pilot

  • 03

    Continuously audit all products and transactions for customs compliance risk or misclassification

Smart Global Trade Management
Value Chain Regulatory Reporting

Value Chain Regulatory Reporting

Your One-Stop-Shop for Value Chain Compliance Attestations

  • 01

    Automatically generate regulatory reporting from your value chain system of record

  • 02

    Collect, validate, and edit information from your upstream network to build trust, support compliance, and improve visibility

  • 03

    Easily generate and edit AI-assisted reports across multiple value chain regulations

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Value Chain Regulatory Reporting